Sep 1, 2020
About the guest:
Gini Dietrich is the founder, CEO, and author of Spin Sucks, host of the Spin Sucks podcast, and author of Spin Sucks (the book). She also has run, built, and grown an agency for the past 14 years. She is co-author of Marketing in the Round, co-host of Inside PR, and co-host of The Agency Leadership podcast.
In the episode:
1:29 – While taking a year off from law school, Gini describes how she got a job at a PR agency and never looked back.
2:52 – Gini explains how Spin Sucks got its start.
4:28 – Gini talks about balancing remote learning during COVID-19 with running her own business.
6:38 – While staying at home due to COVID-19, Gini documented the abrupt changes and describes her reasoning for doing so.
9:04 – Gini explains how the Spin Sucks community says connected, both in-person and online.
14:50 – Gini shares some of Spin Sucks’ plans for the future, including the goal of trying to get all communications, journalism and advertising graduates to be PESO Model certified.
16:21 – Gini describes the PESO Model and how public relations has evolved.
19:46 – Nancy and Gini talk about the benefits of analyzing data.
21:07 – Gini describes how content marketing is integrated into the PESO model.
24:05 – Gini shares how her personal brand plays a role in the Spin Sucks brand.
27:21 – Gini describes how PR has changed since she started her career, recalling how she would spend hours making clipbooks.
30:07 – Gini shares some resources she has discovered recently that have helped her stay up to date in her career.
“Chaos and crisis always create an opportunity for creativity. I think in the beginning we were all just like, “what just happened?” Now it has been enough time that we are starting to settle into a routine. Now you have the ability to be creative again.” - Gini Dietrich, founder of Spin Sucks
Spin Sucks:
Laura Petrolino:
Anna’s Recipe Videos:
Al Roker’s cooking show:
StoryBrand by Donald Miller:
The Conversion Code by Chris Smith:
The Spin Sucks Podcast:
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Looking to connect:
Twitter: @ginidietrich