Feb 14, 2023
Nancy’s love of public relations started early on when her father, an electrical engineer for Westinghouse Electric Corporation, suggested she pursue a career in PR. After graduating from Colby College, Nancy worked at Sugarloaf as the assistant director of communications. In 1991, Nancy opened her own agency with Sugarloaf as her first client.
Because of her love for PR, Nancy always wanted to experience her clients’ businesses and show that she had the credentials to be the spokesperson for these organizations. When she worked for Sugarloaf she became a certified ski instructor, for Northern Outdoors she become a whitewater rafting guide, for the Victory Chimes Windjammer she learned what it was like to be a member of the crew and for Orvis she learned fly tying and how to fly fish.
Nancy wraps up the episode by answering the question, “What do you love about public relations?”
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