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The PR Maven Podcast

The PR Maven® Podcast is the combination of traditional networking techniques combined with the power of social media to build your personal and professional brand. The podcast features interviews with industry leaders, top executives, media personalities and online influencers about public relations and their personal brand. Each week, Nancy connects with a special guest to talk about their career, and business or organization, as well as the latest news and events that will give listeners a unique perspective on the world of public relations, marketing and personal branding, including actionable takeaways.

Dec 6, 2022

Having run a PR agency since 1991, I’ve worked with lots and lots of clients. Some have been more successful than others, although I’m proud of the fact that most are happy with our work, and many have been clients for years. Work with enough clients, and you realize what works and what doesn’t. Sometimes, a client not working out can simply be a matter of bad timing. Sometimes, it’s a lack of mutual understanding or poor communication. Fortunately for us, it doesn’t happen often, but some clients just aren’t meant to be. If you’re in the client service business, it’s worth realizing this reality sooner than later: Not every client will work out.

In my experience, the key to a client working out is engagement, engagement and more engagement. I want our clients to be engaged with members of my team, constantly going back and forth on new ideas, secured deliverables and everything in between. Typically, we have a single point of contact (POC) from our agency side and the client has a single POC from their side. From time to time, there may end up being several POCs on the agency side or the client side, but one each is best.

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The article read in this episode originally appeared on the Forbes Agency Council CommunityVoice™ in October 2022.


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